6.7 Transport and Movement

Movement through the landscape – of people, animals, resources, objects and ideas – is now accepted as a prominent feature of life during the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age. The application of DNA and isotopic analysis to human and animal remains and of provenancing methods to artefacts helps archaeologists to track these movements. Whether it be the transportation of raw materials such as copper, tin or steatite; livestock as in transhumance; water brought to the settlement; the movement of migrants and marriage partners; of people to create and to undertake ceremonies at rock art sites (Bradley et al 2012); or daily journeys for a range of purposes; movement over short and longer distances has been an important, but insufficiently studied, element in settlement archaeology in the Chalcolithic and Bronze Age. We need to shift the focus from settlement-based studies to studies of the landscape to consider the routes, paths and tracks that will have existed between places the places in between.

6.7.1 Movement of People

6.7.2 Movement of Objects, Raw Materials and Ideas

6.7.3 Means of Transport

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