Sally Foster, Katherine Forsyth, Susan Buckham and Stuart Jeffrey (editors)
With contributions from:
Marcus Abbott, Laila Kitzler Åhfeldt, Tertia Barnett, Bruce Bishop, David Breeze, David Caldwell, Murray Cook, Neil Curtis, Audrey Dakin, Fiona Davidson, Stephen Driscoll, Iain Fraser, Shannon Fraser, Simon Gilmour, Moira Greig, Marta DiazGuardamino, Mark Hall, Isabel Henderson, John Hughes, Fern Insh, Andy Meirion Jones, Siân Jones, Dianne King, Murdo Macdonald, Cait McCullagh, Peter McKeague, Adrián Maldonado, Gilbert Márkus, Hugh Morrison, Colin Muir, Gordon Noble, Emma Jane O’Riordan, John Picken, Edwina Proudfoot, John Raven, Anna Ritchie, Matthew Ritchie, Judith Roebuck, Christa Roodt, Nigel Ruckley, Jeff Sanders, Ian G Scott, Bill Stephens, Antonia Thomas, George Thomson, Sharon Webb, Iain Ross Wallace, Kelsey Jackson Williams
Listen to the Stones Downloads
Listen to the Stones is the popular account of the Future Thinking on the Carved Stones of Scotland panel report written by Dr Adrian Maldonado and Dr Susan Buckham, based on the original 2016 panel report by Dr Sally Foster, Dr Katherine Forsyth, Dr Susan Buckham and Dr Stuart Jeffrey, and its many other contributors.
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