In This Section: RegionalClyde Valley Archaeological Research Framework (CVARF)South East Scotland Archaeological Research FrameworkHighland Archaeological Research Framework1. Introduction2. Sources3. Land and Environment4. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic5. Neolithic6. Chalcolithic and Bronze Age7. Iron Age8. Early Medieval9. Medieval10. Post-Medieval10.1 Introduction10.2 Environmental Evidence10.3 Settlement10.4 Daily Life10.5 Craft and Industry10.6 Religion and Ritual10.7 Transport and Movement10.7.1 Movement of People10.7.2 Transport Routes10.7.3 Movement of Raw Materials and Goods10.8 Conflict10.9 Research Questions10.10 Research RecommendationsHighland Archaeological Research Framework: Case StudiesBibliographyPerth and Kinross Archaeological Research FrameworkRegional Archaeological Research Framework for ArgyllSouth West Scotland Archaeological Research FrameworkScotland's Islands Research Framework for Archaeology 10.7 Transport and Movement 10.7.1 Movement of people 10.7.2 Transport Routes 10.7.3 Movement of Raw Materials