In This Section: RegionalClyde Valley Archaeological Research Framework (CVARF)South East Scotland Archaeological Research Framework1. Introduction2. Landscape and Environment3. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic3.1 Introduction3.2 History of Mesolithic Research3.3 Subsistence3.4 Settlement3.5 Material Culture3.5.1 Lithics3.5.2 Coarse Stone Artefacts3.5.3 Bone and Antler3.6 Religion and Ritual3.7 Conflict3.8 Research Questions and Agenda3.9 Bibliography8. Early Medieval9. Medieval10. Post Medieval11. ModernSESARF Case StudiesHighland Archaeological Research FrameworkPerth and Kinross Archaeological Research FrameworkRegional Archaeological Research Framework for ArgyllSouth West Scotland Archaeological Research FrameworkScotland's Islands Research Framework for Archaeology 3.5 Material Culture 3.5.1 Lithics 3.5.2 Coarse Stone Artefacts 3.5.3 Bone and Antler