As part of the Highland Archaeology Festival, ScARF are hosting two exciting Skills Workshops at Inverness Museum and Art Gallery. These free-to-attend workshops will be delivered by leading experts – not to be missed!

Basic Finds Conservation

29 September 2022
Starts: 10:00
Ends: 13:00

Hands-on workshop on basic conservation of finds aimed at museum staff and volunteers, detectorists and people involved in fieldwork and surveys. Led by Jeanette Pearson ACR, conservator at IMAG, this workshop will cover initial assessment of finds, handling, packing and support, also which materials to use and some important do’s and don’ts.

Venue: Inverness Museum and Art Gallery

Suitable for wheelchair access

Bookings essential, preferably by email, to:

Phone 07800 979999 

Finds Illustration

30 September 2022

Workshop 1:
Starts: 10:00
Ends: 12:00

Workshop 2:
Starts: 14:00
Ends: 16:00

Ever fancied learning how to draw archaeological artefacts?

Join archaeological illustrator Thomas Small for a ‘hands-on’ illustration workshop. A short presentation explaining the principles of artefact illustration will be followed by a series of practical exercises. By the end of the day participants will have gained an insight into the process of artefact and pottery illustration.

Venue: Inverness Museum and Art Gallery

Bookings essential, ideally by email, to:

Phone 07800 979999

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