Key topics identified in previous research frameworks

Table 2: key topics identified in previous research frameworks. Note that Richmond’s study was of the broader military zone, not just Scotland, while Barclay (which drew heavily on Hanson and Breeze) was restricted to rescue archaeology.

Richmond in Hawkes and Piggott 1948 Hanson and Breeze 1991 Barclay 1997
Investigate type-sites for particular types of unit. Study of annexes and vici (especially Inveresk). Excavation of temporary camps under development threat.
Distinguish Agricolan from earlier sites. Investigate military logistics and supply. Likelihood of fortuitous discoveries on Antonine Wall emphasising the need for developmental control and invigilation?
Investigate the nature and extent of the Flavian ‘blockade of Highlands’. Excavation of a fortlet (especially first century). Further investigation on Gask ridge frontier.
Excavation at Inchtuthil. Further examination of Camps – further aerial photography and morphological study; corpus required; little value to excavation of interiors. Further investigation of annexes and civil settlements.
Investigate the nature of late Flavian / Trajanic arrangements in south Scotland. Investigate the nature of intervals on frontier works e.g . Gask towers, fortlets on Wall. Investigation of the relationship of military construction and occupation to the local environment.
Progress the study of vici Examine the impact of the military occupation on indigenous population Investigation of the relationship of the imported military presence to the indigenous population; evidence of behavioural change, or of re-use of Roman sites and materials.
Investigate the relationship of native villages to forts. Examine the impact on landscape – studies of pollen, macrobotanical plant and bone remains. The generation of valuable case studies, like those executed in the Esk valley and at Newstead and around Traprain Law.
Investigate the western flank of the Antonine Wall. Encourage finds work to include native artefacts located on Roman sites; enigmatic types such as bangles and button-and-loop fasteners; more quantified studies. ‘Refining of the artefactual database’ by technological, typological and contextual studies.
Investigate the nature of the Antonine occupation beyond the Wall, and possibility of ‘outer limes’ focused on the Gask Ridge. Need for comparative regional studies e.g. either side of frontiers
investigate the nature of temporary Severan occupation.
Define the scope of the late third / fourth century frontier zone.
Pursue the study of road systems.
Investigate the sources and distribution of supplies.
Locate and investigate Military cemeteries ‘a much-neglected resource’ for ‘social information and … questions. of diet and physique’


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