Finally, it would be of considerable value to have a systematic study and interpretation of the history of archaeological research in Argyll. Our impression is that this is important to the history of archaeological thought in general in the late 19th and early 20th century. Why were the tiny islands of Oronsay, Coll and Tiree so attractive to the likes of A. Henderson Bishop and William Galloway? What were their intellectual networks? This project would also help recognise the contribution of amateur collectors such as George Holleyman, stationed on Tiree during the war, and indeed those who continue to contribute to archaeological knowledge today.
In This Section:
- Clyde Valley Archaeological Research Framework (CVARF)
- South East Scotland Archaeological Research Framework
- Highland Archaeological Research Framework
- Perth and Kinross Archaeological Research Framework
- Regional Archaeological Research Framework for Argyll
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Background and Aims of the RARFA
- 3. Panel Reports
- 4. Towards an Environmental History of Argyll and Bute: A Review of Current Data, Their Strengths and Weaknesses and Suggestions for Future Work
- 5. The Early Prehistory of Argyll: The archaeological record, research themes and future priorities for the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Earliest Neolithic periods (12000BP - 6000BP) (10,050BC - 4050BC)
- 5.1 Summary
- 5.2 Introduction
- 5.3 Major Research Themes
- 5.4 Key Priorities for Future Research
- 5.4.1 The Late Glacial: excavation at Rubha Port an t-Seilich and its environmental context
- 5.4.2 The appearance of the Neolithic and the demise of the Mesolithic: targeted excavation, dating and environmental reconstruction
- 5.4.3 Establishing the Mesolithic chronology: A programme of radiocarbon dating and Bayesian analysis: testing the 8.2 Ka model and reaching out to the Neolithic
- 5.4.4 Heritage management of early prehistoric sites
- 5.4.5 Writing the history of archaeology in Argyll
- 5.5 Summary
- 5.6 Bibliography
- 6. Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age c 4000BC - 800BC
- 7. The Iron Age
- 8. Early Medieval Argyll and Norse/Viking Argyll (AD 400 - AD 1100)
- 9. The Archaeology of Medieval Argyll (AD 1100 - AD 1600)
- 10. Early Modern Period (AD 1600 - AD 1900) and Modern in Argyll (AD 1900 - Present)
- Regional Archaeological Research Framework for Argyll: Case Studies
- List of Appendices
- South West Scotland Archaeological Research Framework
- Scotland's Islands Research Framework for Archaeology