1. Site Specific Research Objectives (listed east to west)
AW 26: Carry out more detailed geophysical survey at Carriden where the opportunity arises
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cba2c3Local Framework Numbering:
AW 26More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 27: Carry out field-walking after deep ploughing at Carriden
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cbb6a6Local Framework Numbering:
AW 27More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 28: Carry out low tidal survey at Carriden
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cbc93cLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 28More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 29: Clarify the relationship of the fort to the Wall system at Carriden
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cbe202Local Framework Numbering:
AW 29More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 30: Identify if there is a fortlet at this location in view of the location of the Distance Stone at Bridgeness
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cbfbc3Local Framework Numbering:
AW 30More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 31: Review estate papers for relevant information at Kinneil
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cc11ddLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 31More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 32: Undertake further investigation through excavation and field-walking to establish the precise nature of the site at Inveravon
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cc2713Local Framework Numbering:
AW 32More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 33: Investigate the area in response to proposed development to clarify its nature at Polmonthill
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cc3d07Local Framework Numbering:
AW 33More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 34: Carry out geoarchaeological works in relation to flooding at Polmont/Beancross
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cc56acLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 34More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 35: Re-assess the finds from earlier excavations at Mumrills
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cc6e12Local Framework Numbering:
AW 35More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 36: Clarify if there is an earlier fort at Mumrills
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cc86b2Local Framework Numbering:
AW 36More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 37: Clarify the relationship of the fort to the Wall at Mumrills
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ccaab8Local Framework Numbering:
AW 37More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 38: Take any opportunities to examine the area outside the fort to the east at Mumrills
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ccce56Local Framework Numbering:
AW 38More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 39: Test the value of different remote sensing techniques (including multi-pro sensor approach, higher resolution magnetic survey ground penetration radar) at Mumrills
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cce102Local Framework Numbering:
AW 39More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Tam Bain/Laurieston
AW 40: Establish if there is a fortlet at Tam Bain/Laurieston
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cd04dcLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 40More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Callendar Park/Kemper Avenue
AW 41: Examine the interpretation of the bath building and clarify its context at Callendar Park/Kemper Avenue
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cd1717Local Framework Numbering:
AW 41More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 42: Investigate the reason for the dog-leg taken by the Wall at Callendar Park/Kemper Avenue
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cd3437Local Framework Numbering:
AW 42More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 43: Investigate the possibility of a civil settlement at Callendar Park/Kemper Avenue
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cd48e7Local Framework Numbering:
AW 43More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 44: Review estate papers at Callendar Park/Kemper Avenue for relevant information, including those for Cadder House and Kilsyth Castle
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cd5c58Local Framework Numbering:
AW 44More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 45: Clarify the relationship of the fort to the Wall at Falkirk
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cd7211Local Framework Numbering:
AW 45More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 46: Examine the annexe/extramural settlement to clarify its purpose at Falkirk
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cd867fLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 46More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Watling Lodge
AW 47: Investigate why the structure of the Wall appears to change around Watling Lodge
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cd9982Local Framework Numbering:
AW 47More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Rough Castle
AW 48: Investigate the southern part of the Rough Castle fort for evidence of barrack accommodation
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cdae79Local Framework Numbering:
AW 48More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 49: Investigate the areas outside the Rough Castle fort on all sides to clarify the location of any civil settlement and the wider setting of the fort and adjacent field systems
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cdbfbfLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 49More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 50: Determine whether there is a fortlet in the annexe of Rough Castle
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cdda30Local Framework Numbering:
AW 50More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 51: Obtain enhanced resolution LiDAR data of Rough Castle
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cdeed7Local Framework Numbering:
AW 51More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 52: Take any opportunity to clarify the purpose of expansions
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ce076fLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 52More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 53: Ensure the conservation of expansions
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ce19ffLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 53More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 54: Seek out the original excavation records of Bonnyside East to clarify its structural relationship with the Wall
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ce2d4aLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 54More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Seabegs Wood
AW 55: Establish if there is a fort at Seabegs Wood
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ce44d7Local Framework Numbering:
AW 55More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 56: Sample and then conserve sections of the Wall where there have been previous disturbances and where it is cut by the modern trackway at Seabegs Wood
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ce559bLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 56More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 57: Investigate the Tollpark/Garnhall area in light of the threats of collapse due to previous mining works, through both stripping and sectioning a strip of the Wall and larger-scale excavation
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ce66eaLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 57More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 58: Explore the Tollpark/Garnhall section with likely water-logging to see if there is potential for pollen sampling
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ce803eLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 58More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 59: Carry out pollen and other analysis of the Roman drain at Tollpark/Garnhall
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ce974bLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 59More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 60: Explore the potential for a fortlet at Garnhall
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ceab64Local Framework Numbering:
AW 60More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 61: Explore the area outside the Westerwood fort to understand better the wider context of the site and possible ritual activity associated with the Carrick Stone altar
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cec280Local Framework Numbering:
AW 61More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Croy Hill
AW 62: Obtain enhanced resolution LiDAR data of Croy Hill
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224ced62eLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 62More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 63: Where possible further investigate the extent and character of the civil settlement at Croy Hill
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cee923Local Framework Numbering:
AW 63More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Girnal Hill
AW 64: Investigate the reason for the kink in the Wall line at Girnal Hill
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cefd2fLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 64More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 65: Seek to identify a potential fortlet at Girnal Hill
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cf11e1Local Framework Numbering:
AW 65More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Bar Hill
AW 66: Seek to identify a potential fortlet or alternative crossing point, including geophysical survey along the back of the rampart at Bar Hill, followed up by a trial trench if necessary.
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cf2994Local Framework Numbering:
AW 66More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 67: Investigate the civil settlement to the east of Bar Hill, through enhanced LiDAR and geophysical survey
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224cf3edcLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 67More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 68: Sample and then conserve the 1899 section through the Wall to the east of the Bar Hill fort
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d01b5eLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 68More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 69: Investigate any new cuttings resulting from forestry works at Bar Hill
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d0417cLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 69More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 70: Investigate the hillfort (Castle Hill) for any relationship with the Roman/Antonine occupation at Bar Hill
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d06574Local Framework Numbering:
AW 70More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Shirva Farm
AW 71: Clarify the context for the inscriptions and souterrain recorded in antiquity at Shirva Farm
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d08bacLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 71More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 72: Publish recent information about the line of the Wall and ensure the actual line is adequately protected at Shirva Farm
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d0a442Local Framework Numbering:
AW 72More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 73: Explore the potential for a fortlet at Shirva Farm
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d0ba97Local Framework Numbering:
AW 73More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 74: Explore the modern farm buildings at Shirva Farm for reuse of Roman masonry
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d0d126Local Framework Numbering:
AW 74More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 75: Explore the relationship between the fort and the field systems to the north-west of Auchendavy
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d0fc0cLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 75More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 76: Take any opportunity to carry out investigations, including within gardens, to clarify the line of the Wall and the extent of the fort and associated features at Kirkintilloch
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d11fb6Local Framework Numbering:
AW 76More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 77: Investigate the area around the destroyed fort at Cadder for extramural features
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d17a05Local Framework Numbering:
AW 77More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Wilderness Plantation and Buchley
AW 78: Clarify the purpose of the small enclosures at Wilderness Plantation and establish their relationship to the Wall
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d19851Local Framework Numbering:
AW 78More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 79: Seek further examples of small enclosures by geophysical or aerial survey around Wilderness Plantation and Buchley
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d1b17aLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 79More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 80: Carry out more detailed geophysical survey around the fort at Balmuildy and annexe to identify any civil settlement and other extramural activity
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d1c77dLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 80More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 81: Use excavated areas within the Balmuildy fort interior to test the efficacy of enhanced geophysical survey techniques
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d1eed6Local Framework Numbering:
AW 81More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 82: Explore the potential for a bridge at Balmuildy
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d201e9Local Framework Numbering:
AW 82More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 83: Clarify the location and character of the potential fortlet at Summerston
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d215ecLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 83More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
New Kilpatrick Cemetery
AW 84: Carry out investigations and analysis of accessible sections of the Wall rampart at New Kilpatrick Cemetery
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d22786Local Framework Numbering:
AW 84More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 85: Publish the results of recent excavations at Boclair and seek to clarify the nature and date of the site
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d23bb9Local Framework Numbering:
AW 85More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 86: Undertake further investigation at Boclair if the opportunity arises to confirm the character and precise location of the site
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d24ec8Local Framework Numbering:
AW 86More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 87: Explore the area within and around the fort and annexe at Bearsden when opportunities arise, including in gardens
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d262faLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 87More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 88: Clarify where Roman masonry was moved to from Bearsden
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d2797bLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 88More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 89: Examine the ditched enclosure identified by resistivity survey at Castlehill to see if it is a fortlet and investigate the relationship of the fort with the Wall
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d28f43Local Framework Numbering:
AW 89More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 91: Examine the recorded location of the Distance Stone to the south-west of the Castlehill fort
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d2bd43Local Framework Numbering:
AW 91More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 92: Explore the now derelict farm buildings around Castlehill for reused Roman masonry
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d2d6c6Local Framework Numbering:
AW 92More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 93: Clarify detail of the Cleddans fortlet through geophysics and further excavation
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d30065Local Framework Numbering:
AW 93More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 94: Explore evidence for extramural activity outside the Cleddans fortlet
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d31bdaLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 94More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 95: Re-evaluate the evidence to determine the nature of the site at Duntocher and its relationship to the Wall
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d33085Local Framework Numbering:
AW 95More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 96: Publish results of the 1978 excavation of the fortlet at Duntocher
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d344feLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 96More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 97: Explore the area outside the Duntocher fort through geophysical survey to clarify extramural activity in the area of the bathhouse and kiln
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d35d57Local Framework Numbering:
AW 97More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 98: Review and publish results of the 1977 excavation of the kiln at Duntocher
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d37029Local Framework Numbering:
AW 98More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
Old Kilpatrick
AW 99: Clarify whether archaeological remains survive beneath modern buildings at Old Kilpatrick
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d38377Local Framework Numbering:
AW 99More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 100: Explore the possibility for a quayside at Old Kilpatrick
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d39fe0Local Framework Numbering:
AW 100More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 101: Analyse the section of the Forth and Clyde Canal cuts through the Wall at Old Kilpatrick
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d3c7bfLocal Framework Numbering:
AW 101More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
AW 102: Explore the possibility of a Roman road heading towards Dumbarton Rock at Old Kilpatrick
More information on this question
https://scarf.scot/researchframework/v1/question/question-647f224d3e6e2Local Framework Numbering:
AW 102More information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
06/01/2023Date of next review:
06/01/2026Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
2. Overarching Research Objectives