
Select bibliography:

Breitenback, Esther et al. (eds.) (2013): Scottish Women. A Documentary History, 1780-1914 (Edinburgh: EUP).

Carruthers, G., Goldie, D. and Renfrew, A. (eds.) (2012): Scotland and the 19th-Century World (Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi).

Devine, T.M. (2012): The Scottish Nation: A Modern History (London: Penguin).

Dimock, Wai Chee (2018): ‘Weak Network: Faulkner’s Transpacific Reparations’, Modernism/modernity 25.3 (September), pp. 587-602.

Evans, R.J. (2017): The Pursuit of Power: Europe, 1815-1914 (London: Penguin).

Ginger, Andrew (2018): ‘Comparative Study and the Nature of Connections: Of the Aesthetic Appreciation of History’, Modern Languages Open, (1), p.18. DOI:

Laachir, K., Marzagora, S. and Orsini, F., 2018. ‘Multilingual Locals and Significant Geographies: For a Ground-up and Located Approach to World Literature’, Modern Languages Open, (1), p.19. DOI:

MacKenzie, J.M., Devine, T.M. (eds.) (2012): Scotland and the British Empire (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

Mignolo, Walter (2002): ‘Rethinking the Colonial Model’, in Rethinking Literary History: A Dialogue on Theory, ed. by Linda Hutcheon and Mario J. Valdés (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press), pp. 155-193.

Osterhammel, Jürgen (2014): The Transformation of the World: A Global History of the Nineteenth Century, transl. Patrick Camiller (Princeton, Oxford: Princeton University Press).

Pittock, Murray (2007): The Reception of Sir Walter Scott in Europe (London; New York: Continuum).

Salmi, Hannu (2008): Nineteenth Century Europe: A Cultural History (Cambridge: Polity Press).

Saussy, Haun (2015): ‘Comparing Themes and Images’, in César Domínguez, Haun Saussy and Darío Villanueva, Introducing Comparative Literature: New Trends and Applications (London; New York: Routledge).

Valdés, Mario (2002): ‘Rethinking the History of Literary History’, in Rethinking Literary History: A Dialogue on Theory, ed. by Linda Hutcheon and Mario J. Valdés (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press), pp. 63-115.