Case Study: Submerged landscapes around the coast of Britain

Bouldnor, Isle of Wight
Since 1998 the Hampshire and Wight Trust for Maritime Archaeology has been investigating a submerged archaeological landscape on the north coast of the Isle of Wight. The site lies -11m below present OD, and archaeological deposits comprising peat surfaces contained burnt flints, charred hazelnuts and worked timbers (Momber et al. 2011). This Mesolithic site demonstrates not only the preservation potential of this environment, but has focused on the fusion of both archaeological and palaeo-environmental datasets.

The North Sea Palaeolandscapes Project (Doggerland)
This collaborative, multi-disciplinary project was hosted within the University of Birmingham, funded by the Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund and administered by English Heritage. It is a fine example of a multi-disciplinary, cross-sector project. Its aims were to investigate and interpret the submerged palaeo-landscapes of the southern part of the North Sea, known as Doggerland. This was undertaken using industry-generated and newly acquired 3D seismic datasets. Primarily, it mapped the palaeo-landscapes rather than identified archaeological sites, features and small finds.

Submerged Landscapes Archaeological Network (SLAN)
A recently established research initiative aims to provide an understanding of Ireland’s and Newfoundland’s submerged archaeological landscapes (Fig. 4). Facilitated by a Coracle Irish-Newfoundland Fellowship from the Memorial University of Newfoundland, a group of researchers recently came together in University College Dublin to share research experiences and opportunities in mapping submerged landscapes and archaeology. The main outcome of the meeting was the creation of the Submerged Landscapes Archaeological Network (SLAN), a consortium of researchers from universities and government agencies in Ireland, Northern Ireland and Newfoundland.

Some other examples of significant work on submarine archaeology and landscapes around Britain include:

Return to Section 2.5 Summary of Marine Palaeo-studies in Scotland



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