It is evident that there is considerable potential for a vast resource of archaeological information in the near shore zone surrounding Scotland. It is also evident that there is the capacity to meet the needs of investigation in this sector. However, this capacity is relatively diminutive when compared with the wide geographical spread of the potential material. There is clearly a need to build capacity in Scotland to address this through cross-sector collaboration on a number of key projects.
A systematic approach is needed in order to catalogue areas that need investigation. These areas should be subject to targeted investigations following a wide area assessment for palaeo-landscape reconstruction. Specific features of pilot projects should include:
- Increased precision data on relative sea-level change, especially for island groups.
- Detailed mapping of Scotland showing the coast at various dates and based on evidence, not modelling.
- Predictive modelling for submerged site survival. including 3D modelling derived from the energy and aggregate industries (third party) sources.
- Survey for submerged sites in high-potential locations.
- A database of submerged palaeo-environmental information.
- Work on northern Doggerland and other potential submerged landscapes around Scotland’s coastline, which could form part of the current SPLASHCOS EU initiative (