Theme 1: Submerged Landscapes

This synthesis represents an evaluation of palaeo-environmental reconstruction of the present day Scottish coastal corridor (supra-tidal and inter-tidal zone) out to the sub-tidal. shelf.

Map of UK

It addresses the geographic areas, their particular geological history and the inter-woven prehistoric occupation. The aim of the evaluation was to provide a better understanding of palaeo-environmental reconstruction within the Scottish remit of marine archaeology. The main recommendations are the need for:

  • Increased precision data on relative sea-level change, especially for island groups.
  • Detailed mapping of Scotland showing the coast at various dates and based on evidence, not modelling.
  • Predictive modelling for submerged site survival. including 3D modelling derived from the energy and aggregate industries (third party) sources.
  • Survey for submerged sites in high-potential locations.
  • A database of submerged palaeo-environmental information.
  • Work on northern Doggerland and other potential submerged landscapes around Scotland’s coastline, which could form part of the current SPLASHCOS EU initiative.

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