Case Study 1: Making a difference: the Govan Stones
Case Study 2: Bullauns and taxonomy
Case Study 3: Graveyard recording
Case Study 4: The Canmore Early Medieval Sculpture Upgrade Project
Case Study 5: The tomb of Robert the Bruce
Case Study 6: The ACCORD project, community co-production
Case Study 7: Imaging techniques: the ‘Making a Mark’ project
Case Study 10: STONE Project, Edinburgh College of Art
Case Study 11: Donside: early medieval carved stones in a landscape context
Case Study 13: The craft of carved stone replicas
Case Study 15: Celtic Revival gravemarkers in Scotland
Case Study 17: Glazed monument shelters
Case Study 19: Cradle of Scotland exhibition
Case Study 20: Edinburgh Graveyards Scoping Report
Case Study 21: Elgin Cathedral Redisplay Project
Case Study 22: Crail Kirkyard, Fife: histories in wood and stone
Case Study 23: Rhynie Woman and community engagement
Case Study 25: The Kelsae Stane
Case Study 26: Iona Abbey and Kirkmadrine
Case Study 28: Information management and online discovery
Case Study 30: HES Canmore Early Medieval Sculpture Upgrade Project
Case Study 31: The value of metric drawing
Case Study 32: The Stone of Scone
Case Study 34: Graffiti: meaning and value in the context of carved stones
Case Study 35: Buried tombstones
Case Study 36: Wemyss Caves
Case Study 37: Condition monitoring at the rock art at Ormaig
Case Study 39: Auchnaha cairn in Cowal, and its cross-carved stone