Here you can download the documentation from the series of workshops that were held during the creation of this framework.
Section | Document Title | Download the file as a .PDF |
8.1 Carved Stones Workshop 1 report | Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland Workshop 1.
Digital recording of carved stones for research: where are we and where can we go? |
download the .pdf (232kb) |
8.2 Carved Stones Workshop 2 report | Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland Workshop 2.
At the door of the church: research and carved stones at ecclesiastical sites |
download the .pdf (301kb) |
8.3 Carved Stones Workshop 3 report | Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland Workshop 3.
New thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland |
download the .pdf (653kb) |
8.4 Summary of the Impact of Workshops 1-3 | Summary of the Impact of Workshops 1-3 | download the .pdf (168kb) |