8. Carved Stone Workshop Documentation

Here you can download the documentation from the series of workshops that were held during the creation of this framework.   

Section Document Title Download the file as a .PDF
8.1 Carved Stones Workshop 1 report Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland Workshop 1.

Digital recording of carved stones for research: where are we and where can we go?

 download the .pdf (232kb)
8.2 Carved Stones Workshop 2 report Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland Workshop 2.

At the door of the church: research and carved stones at ecclesiastical sites

  download the .pdf (301kb)
8.3 Carved Stones Workshop 3 report Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland Workshop 3.

New thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland

  download the .pdf (653kb)
8.4 Summary of the Impact of Workshops 1-3  Summary of the Impact of Workshops 1-3   download the .pdf (168kb)



Listen to the Stones cover

Download the popular version of the framework ‘Listen to the Stones’ here

You can download illustrated PDF’s of the full text and case studies from here.

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