In 2015, participants at the Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland Workshops 1–3 identified a range of dilemmas linked to the conservation and management of stones (Section 5.3.1). Ensuing discussions highlighted how different attitudes towards the concept of ‘authenticity’ might influence how we respond to these issues in practice (Section 5.3.2). The workshops also identified two particularly high-risk categories that should be prioritised within strategies to protect carved stones: loose and vulnerable carved stones (Section 5.3.3) and gravestones (Section 5.3.4), as well as raising concerns about some other carved stone categories (Section 5.3.5).
See Section 8.2 Tables 1-3 and 8.3 Tables 4 and 8.
5.3.1 Issues and dilemmas
5.3.2 Authenticity
5.3.3 At-risk categories of carved stones: loose and vulnerable
5.3.4 At-risk categories of carved stones: carved stones in graveyards
5.3.5 At-risk categories of carved stones: other categories of carved stone