In This Section: ThematicDendrochronologyMarine & MaritimeArchaeological ScienceFrontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site: The Antonine WallFuture Thinking on Carved Stones in ScotlandAcknowledgementsCarved Stones Executive SummaryDedication to John HiggittListen to the Stones Downloads1. Introduction Carved Stones2. Current state of knowledge3. Creating Knowledge and Understanding3.1 Introduction3.2 Theoretical perspectives3.3 Recording3.4 Organising Data3.5 Datasets3.6 Scientific analysis3.7 Ways of working3.8 Research recommendations4. Understanding value5. Securing for the future6. Engaging and Experiencing7. Looking forward8. Carved Stone Workshop Documentation9. Bibliography10. Published SourcesList of AbbreviationsFuture Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: Case StudiesBoyne to Brodgar: Making Monuments, Creating CommunitiesScottish Network for Nineteenth-Century European Cultures 3. Creating Knowledge and Understanding 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Theoretical perspectives 3.3 Recording 3.4 Organising data 3.5 Datasets 3.6 Scientific analysis 3.7 Ways of working 3.8 Research recommendations