Funeral monuments have tended to be studied separately, although several studies of ecclesiastical architecture have also considered them (e.g. Muir 1861; MacGibbon and Ross 1896–7), especially where they comprise part of a structure (e.g. Fawcett 2002). Fraser (2013) offers an overview of current knowledge emphasising that, by comparison with early medieval sculpture (see Section 2.3), later medieval gravestones have been a neglected area of research. In the absence of an adequate survey of grave monuments across Scotland we lack a detailed understanding of dating, stylistic variation and design evolution, particularly for graveslabs (Figure 27, 32). While no corpus exists, a database of material is being compiled by Dr Iain Fraser, HES (Fraser 2013, 12). Known stones may also be reassessed through individual projects (e.g. Adding a New Dimension to Dundee’s Medieval Carved Stones) or by the efforts of individual researchers, such as Iain Fraser’s forthcoming research on Mariota de Moray of Aldie’s incised slab in Dunfermline Abbey. Although gravestones offer strong evidence for regional variations and for masons working in particular areas, only the West Highland sculpture, comprising slabs, effigies and commemorative crosses, has been comprehensively studied and recorded (Figures 28–9). Detailed surveys, first published in the RCAHMS Argyll series of Inventories, were synthesised and interpreted by Steer and Bannerman (1977). Their classification of West Highland sculpture identified five mason schools and documented 109 surviving inscriptions, providing a detailed historical background to the names recorded. Their work built on the longstanding antiquarian interest in this material (e.g. Muir 1861; Drummond 1881).
In This Section:
- Marine & Maritime
- Archaeological Science
- Frontiers of the Roman Empire World Heritage Site: The Antonine Wall
- Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland
- Acknowledgements
- Carved Stones Executive Summary
- Dedication to John Higgitt
- Listen to the Stones Downloads
- 1. Introduction Carved Stones
- 2. Current state of knowledge
- 3. Creating Knowledge and Understanding
- 4. Understanding value
- 5. Securing for the future
- 6. Engaging and Experiencing
- 7. Looking forward
- 8. Carved Stone Workshop Documentation
- 9. Bibliography
- 10. Published Sources
- List of Abbreviations
- Future Thinking on Carved Stones in Scotland: Case Studies
- Boyne to Brodgar: Making Monuments, Creating Communities
- Scottish Network for Nineteenth-Century European Cultures