The South West Scotland Archaeological Research Framework is a three-year project to develop and disseminate a regional research framework for North, East and South Ayrshire as well as Dumfries and Galloway.

The project officially started in June 2024 and is coordinated by Rathmell Archaeology Limited, in partnership with local authority archaeologists at West of Scotland Archaeology Service (WoSAS) and Dumfries and Galloway Council.

The South West is home to a vast array of significant archaeological sites, including some of the earliest evidence of human occupation in Scotland at Starr and Smittons, a Neolithic village at Dreghorn, the world-famous medieval priory at Whithorn and the towering remains of the industrial past at the Barony A Frame in East Ayrshire. This new project will showcase the value and research potential of sites like these across North, East and South Ayrshire, as well as Dumfries and Galloway.
SWSARF will will not only review what archaeologists know about the region’s complex past but explore questions still to be answered.

Follow the SWSARF team on Facebook (SWScotARF), X (@SWScot_ARF) and Instagram (swscot_arf).
The project is supported by the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and proudly funded by Historic Environment Scotland.