Names are listed in alphabetical order by surname.
- Jan Aksnes, Kilmartin Museum volunteer
- Derek Alexander, National Trust for Scotland
- Richard Anderson, ACFA
- Roger Anderton
- Annette Anderton
- An Iodhlann – Tiree Historical Centre
- Addyman Archaeology
- CFA Archaeology
- Argyll and Bute Council Archives Service
- Iain Armit, University of Bradford
- Fiona Baker, Firat Archaeology Services
- Torben Bjarke Ballin, Lithic Research
- John Barber, AOC Archaeology
- Jamie Barnes, University of Glasgow
- Tertia Barnett, University of Edinburgh
- Coleen Batey, University of Glasgow
- Andrew Bicket, Wessex Archaeology Scotland
- Alice Blackwell, National Museums Scotland
- Alison Blackwood
- Steve Boardman, University of Edinburgh
- Clive Bonsall, University of Edinburgh
- Richard Bradley, University of Reading
- Mary Braithwaite, Luing Historical Society
- Colin Breen , University of Ulster
- Kenneth Brophy, University of Glasgow
- Marilyn Brown, Historic Environment Scotland
- Susan Buckham, Kirkyard Consulting
- Rachel Butler, Sussex Archaeology
- David Caldwell
- Ewan Campbell, University of Glasgow
- Stuart Campbell , Treasure Trove
- Martin Carruthers, University of the Highlands and Islands
- Ali Cathcart, University of Strathclyde
- Sheila Clark, Historic Environment Scotland
- Diane Collinson, University of Aberdeen
- Madeleine Conn, Kilmartin Museum
- Iain Connon, Colintraive Heritage Centre
- Gabriel Cooney, University College Dublin
- Trevor Cowie, formerly National Museums Scotland
- Mike Cressey, CFA Archaeology
- Vikki Cummings , University of Central Lancashire
- Catherine Dagg, Freelance Archaeologist
- Chris Dalglish, Glasgow University
- Michael Davis
- Tom Dawson, SCAPE
- Alastair Dawson, University of Dundee
- Irene Dayer, Renfrewshire Council
- Piers Dixon, Historic Environment Scotland
- Jane Downes, University of the Highlands and Islands
- Stephen Driscoll, University of Glasgow
- Paul Duffy, Brandanii Archaeology and Heritage
- Stuart Farrell, Freelance Archaeologist
- Natasha Ferguson, Treasure Trove
- Nyree Finlay, University of Glasgow
- Bill Finlayson, Council for British Research in the Levant
- Ian Fisher, University of Glasgow
- Zoe Fleming, Luing Historical Society
- Alastair Fleming, Atlantic Islands Centre, Isle of Luing
- Noel Fojut, Historic Environment Scotland
- Katherine Forsyth, University of Glasgow
- Wes Forsythe, Ulster University
- Sally Foster, University of Stirling
- Sue Furness, High Morlaggan Group/Hidden Heritage Project
- Fred Geddes, Alba Archaeology
- Simon Gilmour, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
- Martin Goldberg, National Museums Scotland
- Meggen Gondek , University of Chester
- Stephen Gordon, Historic Environment Scotland
- Gordon Gray Stephens, Kilmartin Museum
- Doreen Grove, Scottish Government
- GUARD Archaeology Ltd
- Alex Hale, Historic Environment Scotland
- Strat Halliday, University of Edinburgh
- Jill Harden, RSPB
- Dennis Harding
- Steven Harrison, University of Glasgow
- Robert Hay, Lismore Museum
- Andy Heald, AOC Archaeology
- Craignish Historical Society
- Luing Historical Society
- Francis Hood, Kintyre Antiquarian and Natural History Society
- Audrey Horning, Queens University Belfast
- Fraser Hunter, National Museums Scotland
- Ishbel MacInnon, Archivist at Inveraray Castle
- Islay Museum
- Fiona Jackson, High Morlaggan Group/Hidden Heritage Project
- Heather James , Northlight Heritage
- David Jardine, Forestry Commission Scotland
- Janet Jardine
- Andy Jones, University of Southampton
- Ceilidh Lerwick, University of Bradford
- Lorne Archaeological Society,
- Chris Lowe , Headland Archaeology Ltd
- Aonghas Maccoinnich, University of Glasgow
- Murdo MacDonald
- Gavin MacGregor, Northlight Heritage
- Allan MacInnes, University of Strathclyde
- Euan MacKie, University of Glasgow
- Ishbel MacKinnon , Perth and Kinross Council Archives
- Sue MacLean, Kilmartin Museum volunteer
- Alan Macniven, University of Edinburgh
- Eila MacQueen, Archaeology Scotland
- James Malcolm, Kilmartin Museum volunteer
- Adrian Maldonado, University of Glasgow
- Gilbert Marcus, University of Glasgow
- Darko Mari?evi? , University of Bournemouth
- Jocelyn Markland
- Hylda Marsh, Mull Museum
- Esme Marshall, Colonsay and Oransay Heritage Trust
- Angus Martin
- Hugh McBrien, West of Scotland Archaeology Service
- Elaine McChesney, Campbeltown Museum
- Rod McCullagh, formerly Historic Environment Scotland
- Ian McIntyre, Local Historian, Tarbert
- Dawn McLaren, AOC Archaeology
- Anna MacQuarrie, ScARF
- Paul Mellars, University of Cambridge
- Paula Milburn, Archaeology Scotland
- Coralie Mills, Dendrochronicle
- Steve Mithen, University of Reading
- Sue Mithen, University of Reading
- Mull Historical and Archeological Society
- Gordon Noble, University of Abderdeen
- Russell Ó Ríagáin, University of Cambridge
- Richard Oram, University of Stirling
- Emma Jane O'Riordan, ScARF
- Kay Owen, formerly Kilmartin Museum
- Kirsty Owen, Historic Environment Scotland
- Olwyn Owen, Historic Environment Scotland
- Alison Palmer, Argyll Heritage Forum
- Mike Parker-Pearson, University College London
- Rachel Pickering, Cultural Resources Advisor
- Peter Quelch, Peter Quelch Woodland Services
- Rathmell Archaeology
- John Raven, Historic Scotland
- Roddy Regan, Kilmartin Museum
- Alison Reid
- Michael Reid, Kilmartin Museum volunteer
- Daniel Rhodes, National Trust for Scotland
- Colin Richards , Manchester University
- Phil Richardson, Archaeology Scotland
- Matt Ritchie, Forestry Commission Scotland
- Ben Roberts, Durham University
- Phillip Robertson, Historic Environment Scotland
- Jennifer Robertson, Freelance Archaeologist
- Alasdair Ross, Stirling University
- Jeff Sanders, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland
- Tim Schadla-Hall, University College London
- Will Self, Wild Argyll
- Alison Sheridan, National Museums Scotland
- Biddy Simpson, Freelance Archaeologist
- Laura Skelton, Kilmartin Museum volunteer
- Anne Speirs, Bute Museum
- Simon Stoddart, University of Cambridge
- Sarah Thomas, University of Hull
- Richard Tipping, University of Stirling
- Geoff Waters, Archaeology Scotland
- Aaron Watson, Monumental
- Sharon Webb, Kilmartin Museum
- Kieran Westley, Ulster University
- Jean Whittaker, Mull Museum
- Caroline Wickham-Jones, Archaeology and Consultancy
- Karen Wicks, University of Reading
- Sally Wilkin, Kilmartin Museum
- Donald William Stewart, University of Edinburgh
- West Coast Archaeological Services