Priority 1:
The nature of the transition of form from roundhouses to elongated buildings remains unclear. It may have been the result of external influences, an emergence from the existing roundhouse tradition, or a combination of these factors. The rounded ends of Pitcarmick-type buildings may be a result of their largely turf construction, however.
Priority 2:
A number of monumental roundhouses, found in uplands west of the River Tay (Strachan 2013), show evidence of early medieval activity. How best can we understand the nature of this activity, for example, is it possible to identify settlement nearby?
Priority 3:
There are a number of more irregular duns, such as Dun Gael, above Fortingall (ID) in the uplands west of the Tay. As yet undated, they may prove to be early medieval, or perhaps of Iron Age construction with similar reuse as at the monumental roundhouses.
Priority 4:
What was the origin of the square barrows and cemeteries that were introduced in the period?
Priority 5:
How best do we identify the phasing of crannog site? Are they best approached as multi-period phenomena?
Research Questions
PKARF Qu 6.40: Is it possible that further excavation, with Baysian analysis, of roundhouses and Pitcarmick-type buildings can shed light on the introduction of the elongated building form in the 6th–7th centuries?
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Carver (2019, 188) has argued that the transition from round to rectilinear architecture is not recognised as the current chronological resolution is too coarse.Status:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
01/06/2022Date of next review:
01/06/2025Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
PKARF Qu 6.41: Could systematic dating and Bayesian modelling of more contexts from the Pitcarmick archive improve our understanding of its synchronicity with Lair in Glen Shee?
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URI: information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
01/06/2022Date of next review:
01/06/2025Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
PKARF Qu 6.42: Could the chronological development of Pitcarmick-type buildings be better understood by excavated clusters related buildings, as at Lair, creating a larger data set for analysis?
More information on this question
URI: information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
01/06/2022Date of next review:
01/06/2025Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
PKARF Qu 6.43: What do other sites in regions contiguous to Perth and Kinross tell us about other forms of lower status settlement, such as Easter Kinnear (Driscoll 1997)?
More information on this question
URI: information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
01/06/2022Date of next review:
01/06/2025Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
PKARF Qu 6.44: Can better chronological resolution of square barrows and cemeteries help to identify their origin and the process of their introduction?
More information on this question
URI: information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
01/06/2022Date of next review:
01/06/2025Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories:
PKARF Qu 6.45: Is there any continuity from early to later medieval power centres on crannogs? Recent work on crannogs has turned up tantalising early medieval dating evidence, but few have been investigated to date.
More information on this question
URI: information:
ActiveAuthority to change status:
Date accepted:
01/06/2022Date of next review:
01/06/2025Linked Strategy(s):
Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research FrameworkCategories: