9.3.5 Iron Age

As with other periods, the geoarchaeological analysis of Iron Age remains across Perth and Kinross is limited. Thin-section analysis formed the basis of early studies into the effects of agriculture at Strageath Roman fort (Romans and Robertson 1983b). It has also been employed in the characterisation of ditch deposits and buried soils at Dalginross Roman camp (Carter 1993).

Micromorphological analysis at Moredun fort revealed evidence for background human activity on the hilltop prior to, or contemporary with, the construction of the earliest ramparts. Analysis of deposits from within the monumental roundhouse excavated within the fort revealed a series of trampled occupation surfaces containing fragments of charcoal, charred peat, bone and slag. The upper part of this sequence was bioturbated suggesting that burnt and unroofed interior of the roundhouse was left abandoned and exposed before a later collapse of wall material sealed the deposits. Comparison between the soil features at Moredun to those from other micromorphological studies indicates that it could have taken anywhere between 40–200 years to develop the level of bioturbation observed (Roy 2018).

Geophysics at Black Spout, Pitlochry ©️ Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust

Research Questions

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