In This Section: RegionalClyde Valley Archaeological Research Framework (CVARF)South East Scotland Archaeological Research FrameworkHighland Archaeological Research FrameworkPerth and Kinross Archaeological Research Framework1 Introduction2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic3. Neolithic4. Chalcolithic and Bronze Age5. Iron Age6. Early Medieval7. Medieval8. Post-Medieval and 20th Century9. Palaeoenvironment and Science9.1 Introduction9.2 Palaeoenvironment9.3 Geoarchaeology9.4 Archaeobotany9.5 Zooarchaeology9.6 Isotopic Research9.7 BibliographyPerth and Kinross Archaeological Research Framework: Case StudiesRegional Archaeological Research Framework for ArgyllSouth West Scotland Archaeological Research FrameworkScotland's Islands Research Framework for Archaeology 9. Palaeoenvironment and Science Kate Britton, Michael Cressey, Orsolya Czére, Althea Davies, Mhairi Hastie, Vanessa Reid, Lynne Roy and Catherine Smith 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Palaeoenvironment 9.3 Geoarchaeology 9.4 Archaeobotany 9.5 Zooarchaeology 9.6 Isotopic Research 9.7 Bibliography Peat core sample at Moredun ©️ Perthand Kinross Heritage Trust