In This Section: RegionalClyde Valley Archaeological Research Framework (CVARF)South East Scotland Archaeological Research FrameworkHighland Archaeological Research FrameworkPerth and Kinross Archaeological Research Framework1 Introduction1.1 Background and Focus1.2 Geographical and Landscape Context1.3 A brief history of research to around 19901.4 The last 30 years: Development Led and the Community1.5 Aims and Methodology of PKARF1.6 Structure of PKARF1.7 Acknowledgements1.8 Bibliography1.9 Abbreviations2. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic3. Neolithic4. Chalcolithic and Bronze Age5. Iron Age6. Early Medieval7. Medieval8. Post-Medieval and 20th Century9. Palaeoenvironment and SciencePerth and Kinross Archaeological Research Framework: Case StudiesRegional Archaeological Research Framework for ArgyllSouth West Scotland Archaeological Research FrameworkScotland's Islands Research Framework for Archaeology 1 Introduction David Strachanwith contributions by Mark Hall, Sophie Nicol, Helen Spencer and Grace Woolmer-White. 1.1 Background and Focus 1.2 Geographical and Landscape Context 1.3 A brief history of research to around 1990 1.4 The last 30 years: Development Led and the Community 1.5 Aims and Methodology of PKARF 1.6 Structure of PKARF 1.7 Acknowledgements 1.8 Bibliography 1.9 Abbreviations Blaeu’s map of Loch Tay, 1654 ©️ NLS