Although hillforts are generally dated to the Iron Age, there has been some evidence that some of these sites date back to the Late Bronze Age (ScARF Bronze Age section 2.2). However, at present, the evidence for the Highlands is inconclusive and awaits further excavation and dating. Similarly, Highland crannogs have yet to produce a Bronze Age dating (Chapter 7.3).
In This Section:
- Clyde Valley Archaeological Research Framework (CVARF)
- South East Scotland Archaeological Research Framework
- Highland Archaeological Research Framework
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Sources
- 3. Land and Environment
- 4. Palaeolithic and Mesolithic
- 5. Neolithic
- 6. Chalcolithic and Bronze Age
- 7. Iron Age
- 8. Early Medieval
- 9. Medieval
- 10. Post-Medieval
- Highland Archaeological Research Framework: Case Studies
- Bibliography
- Perth and Kinross Archaeological Research Framework
- Regional Archaeological Research Framework for Argyll
- South West Scotland Archaeological Research Framework
- Scotland's Islands Research Framework for Archaeology