1.1 Abbreviations

The following is a list of all the abbreviations that are commonly in use throughout the Highland Archaeological Research Framework.

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AA Anti-aircraft

ADS Archaeology Data Service

AOC All over cord

ARCH Archaeology for Communities in the Highlands

ARO Archaeological Reports Online

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B&BP Beakers and Bodies Project

BA Bronze Age

BM British Museum

BP Before Present (with present defined as 1950)

BPP Beaker Peoples Project

B&S Badenoch and Strathspey

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C Caithness

cal calibrated

cAR Complex Atlantic Roundhouse

CB Carinated Bowl

cr cremation

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DBA Desk based assessment

DCM Dunrobin Castle Museum

DES Discovery and Excavation in Scotland

DSR Data Structure Report

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EBA Early Bronze Age

EHG Event record for Highland HER

ER Easter Ross

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FoC Feats of Clay project (Clark et al 2017)

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HER Highland Historic Environment Record

HES Historic Environment Scotland

HFM Highland Folk Museum

HIE Highlands and Islands Enterprise

HMSO Her Majesty’s Stationery Office

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I inhumation

I Inverness

IMAG Inverness Museum and Art Gallery

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L Lochaber

LBA Late Bronze Age

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MBA Middle Bronze Age

Md Metal Detector

MHG Monument record for Highland HER

MR Mid Ross

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nd No Date

N Nairnshire

NCAP National Collection of Aerial Photography

NCVC North Coast Visitor Centre, formerly Caithness Horizons Museum

NGR National Grid Reference

NLS National Library of Scotland

NMCB Neolithic Modified Carinated Bowl pottery

NMS National Museums Scotland

NoSAS North of Scotland Archaeological Society

NSA New Statistical Account

NRS National Records of Scotland

NTS National Trust for Scotland

NWS Northwest Sutherland

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OC Orkney-Cromarty

OD Ordnance datum

ONB Old Name Books

OS Ordnance Survey

OSA Old Statistical Account

OSL Optical Stimulated Luminescence dating

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PSAS Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland

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RARFA Regional Archaeological Research Framework for Argyll

RCAHMS Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland

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S Sutherland

SAIR Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports

SFS Scotland’s First Settlers Project (Hardy & Wickham Jones 2009)

SSPCK Society in Scotland for the Propagating of Christian Knowledge

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TDC Tarbat Discovery Centre

tpq terminus post quem

TT Treasure Trove

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UHI University of the Highlands and Islands

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WR Wester Ross

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