The Clyde Valley project officially began in May 2023, and is in the early stages of development. We will update this page as the project progresses, as well as posting regular announcements on social media and in our newsletter.

CVARF Symposium, June 2024
The first CVARF gathering took place on the 7th and 8th June 2024 in Glasgow. This event involved short talks, group discussions and walking tours to showcase some of the exciting archaeology of the Clyde Valley region and highlight the key questions to address in the framework.

Survey reminder
The Framework will be co-created by the people and the communities of the Clyde Valley region and we need your help to do this. We want to know what archaeology you are interested in and what you think the research priorities should be for the area in the future. The CVARF team have created a short survey to assess the interests, projects and stories people in the region would like to see in the framework.
If you would like to contribute to the framework, please consider filling in the survey, which is available here.

Keep in touch
We are keen to hear your ideas and opinions about the archaeology of the Clyde Valley region. If you have any ideas, questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The CVARF team can be found and contacted on X (@ClydeValley_ARF) and Instagram (@clydevalley_arf), where regular updates about the project will be shared.