Research recommendations comprise:
- Exploration of the nature of Bronze Age identity, societal structure and organisation, belief systems, and how these vary over time. An awareness of the potential information that sites might reveal in terms of e.g. astronomy or belief, should be promoted.
- Exploration of the nature of Bronze Age identity, societal structure and organization, belief systems in a wider context of connections between Scandinavia and the Atlantic seaboards.
- Assessment and collation of the burial record across Scotland and across the whole of the Bronze Age.
- The potential of archaeoastronomy and the importance of the heavens in the past should be explored in the widest possible variety of prehistoric contexts – settlements, funerary sites, ceremonial sites cairnfields and field layouts.
- Cosmological elements of landscape should be considered, with proactive approaches to identifying sites (e.g. metal-detecting at fords).
- Further work on regional traditions in preferences for depositional character and location.
- Metalwork sites should be related to cropmark evidence and their palaeo-environmental context investigated.
- Craft activities, especially metalworking, and artifact deposition, should be researched in a wider context of house and landscape architecture, considering their place in a cosmological understandings of the world