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Comments 2
Saville et al in press =
Saville, A., Hardy, K., Miket, R. and Ballin, T.B., in press. An Corran, Staffin, Skye: a Rockshelter with Mesolithic and Later Occupation. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (SAIR 51).
Delete Ballin et al forthcoming a and b, and all refs to these in the text.
Barton 1992 should come before Barton 2006.
Bartoseviewc forthcomibng becomes in press.
Delete Bjarke Ballin 2003 – this is Ballin & Saville 1993, which is already present.
biblio again
Carey et al 2007 reference has a misleading blank line in the middle, needs closing up.
delete spaces after Claassen 1998 and Clapperton 1997
add www ref for Dawson & W-J sept 2009
Gleed-Owen 199 – close brackets after north-west Scotland
confusion between Ilyashuk et al 1985 & Jacobi 1985 – needs checking
Liden 2004 – should penultimate ‘the’ be ‘they’?
Fraser et al 2009 and Murray et al 2009 is the same reference – which is correct?
Peeters 2007 – Heritage misspelt
Saville 1980 delete repeated reference tagged to end of this
Saville 2004c same as Saville 2004d
delete Saville, Ballin & Walker forthcoming from biblio and text
Smith et al 2004 – reference should not be in italic
W.O. 2009 – what is this?
delete extra lines after Wickham-J 2007 and Wickam-J et al 2009