In This Section: ScARF National FrameworkPanel Reports Chronology and DownloadsPalaeolithic & MesolithicNeolithicBronze AgeIron AgeRomanMedievalExecutive SummaryMedieval - Overall Research Recommendations1. Introduction Medieval2. From North Britain to the idea of Scotland: Tribes, Kingdoms, States?3. Lifestyles and Living Spaces3.1 Critiquing the urban-rural dichotomy3.2 Environmental factors, land-use and regionality3.3 Settlement and the material culture of daily life3.4 Demography3.5 Living with Animals and Sustaining Cereals3.6 Commerce, industry and manufacturing3.7 The Future4. Mentalities: Identity, Ethnicity, Gender and Spirituality5. Empowerment6. Parameters: Material Histories and Textual ArchaeologiesMedieval Case StudiesMedieval BibliographyMedieval DownloadsModern 3. Lifestyles and Living Spaces 3.1 Critiquing the urban-rural dichotomy 3.2 Environmental factors, land-use and regionality 3.3 Settlement and the material culture of daily life 3.4 Demography 3.5 Living with Animals and Sustaining Cereals 3.6 Commerce, industry and manufacturing 3.7 The Future