7.5.3 Hospital and Poorhouses

A wide variety of religious institutions and individuals cared for the poor and sick in medieval Scotland, with hospitals established from the 12th century onwards. While medieval hospitals were sometimes intended to provide shelter to travellers, most in Perth and Kinross seem to have primarily supported poor, diseased or otherwise vulnerable people. Perth had an especially high concentration of hospitals, although these institutions were also established at Dunkeld (MPK5441), Portmoak (MPK9859), Scone (MPK11829) and Scotlandwell (MPK8536) (D Hall 2006b).

A gazetteer of sites has been created as a result of the research on Scottish medieval hospitals (Hall and Cachart 1997). However, more work remains to be done. None of the sites in Perth and Kinross have been extensively excavated. Indeed, the precise location of several hospitals in the region remains a matter of debate. For example, while Perth’s leper hospital is known to have been at Potterhill in the Bridgend area, the actual site has not yet been identified (MPK9856; Bowler and Perry 2004, 24). As hospitals were often on the fringes of medieval settlements, some of these sites may well become targeted for development – potentially providing valuable opportunities for archaeological investigation. Further interdisciplinary study of the relationship between hospitals and their surrounding communities, including connections with urban authorities and other ecclesiastical institutions, could also be of interest. Because of the role hospitals played in caring for the poor and infirm they have the potential to provide an important window into the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged individuals in medieval Scotland, who are typically under-represented in written sources from the period.

HER/ Canmore IDNGRHospitalTypeCentury of Official FoundationArchaeological Investigation
MPK9856/ 144863NO 1240 2390Leper Hospital, PerthLeper16th CenturyUnexcavated.
MPK3449/ 28353NO 1196 2350St Anne, PerthPoorhouse15th CenturyLimited excavations in St Ann’s Lane – hospital not found (Bowler and Perry 2004, 23–4).
MPK3406/ 28309NO 1129 2375St Catherine’s, PerthPoorhouse16th CenturyRemains possibly associated with hospital visible in 19th century (Fittis 1885, 292–3).
MPK5441/ 27173NO 0256 4262St George’s, DunkeldPoorhouse16th CenturyUnexcavated.
MPK11829/ 169285NO 1193 2684St John the Apostle, SconeUnknown13th CenturyUnexcavated.
MPK3521/ 28432NO 1124 2293St Leonard, PerthUnknown12th CenturyUnexcavated. Site assumed largely destroyed by Perth railway station (Bowler 2004, 56).
MPK3486/ 28393NO 1112 2169St Mary Magdalene, PerthPoorhouse14th CenturyUnexcavated.
MPK8536/ 27874NO 1866 0154St Mary, ScotlandwellPoorhouse13th CenturyUnexcavated.
MPK3438/ 28342NO 1143 2365St Paul’s, PerthPoorhouse15th CenturyWell and human remains possibly associated with hospital uncovered in 19th century (Bowler and Perry 2004, 23).
MPK9859/ 145493NO 1825 0015St Thomas, PortmoakPoorhouse12th CenturyUnexcavated.
Table 8. Medieval Hospitals in Perth and Kinross (D Hall 2006b)

Research Priorities

PKARF Agenda 7.76: Further physical investigation of known hospital sites.

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PKARF Agenda 7.77: Interdisciplinary research to try to clarify the exact location of ‘lost’ hospitals.

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Research Questions

PKARF Qu 7.159: How does the design of hospitals and poorhouses in Perth and Kinross evolve over the course of the Middle Ages?

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The Scottish Archaeological Research Framework

PKARF Qu 7.160: What was the relationship between hospitals and poorhouses and surrounding communities?

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Found in the following Frameworks:
The Scottish Archaeological Research Framework