Highland Archaeological Research Framework – Consultation Drafts Online Now!

We are delighted to announce that the draft chapters for our Highland Archaeological Research Framework – as well as an impressive selection of case studies – are now available for consultation online here on the ARCH website.

Your feedback is very welcome! We would really appreciate it if you could take the time to review these draft documents – are there key examples missing? Can you identify additional research gaps? Don’t miss out on your opportunity to contribute!

HighARF launched with a symposium held at the Highland Council Chambers in Inverness in June 2018, where an impressive line-up of speakers gave an overview by period of what is currently known and where the gaps in our knowledge are. If you missed out on this event- or would like a re-cap, the talks have just been made available online here!

The final Highland Archaeological Research Framework will be published on the ScARF website upon completion summer 2021!

The Clava Cairns at Balnuaran of Clava, near Inverness form part of a distinct regional burial tradition – discussed in a new case study!

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