Welcome to Leanne!
We are pleased to welcome Leanne Demay to the team as ScARF Project Officer. Leanne joins us from AOC Archaeology where she was engaged in a range of archaeological fieldwork projects across Scotland.
New Case Study
A new case study with downloadable catalogue has been added to the ScARF website! The Historic Environment Scotland-funded project Tracing the Lines: Uncovering Grooved Ware Trajectories in Neolithic Scotland has created a database of Scottish grooved ware pottery found in Scotland – along with a set of radiocarbon dates newly generated by analysis of carbonised remains. Read all about it here!

Mike Copper examines grooved ware pottery- read about the launch in the June newsletter. © Mike Copper
Upcoming conferences
Perth and Kinross Archaeological Research Framework
Booking is now open for the ‘Priorities in Progress’ conference that will be held at the AK Bell Library in Perth on the 30th August 2019. This conference will present work from the first year of the Perth and Kinross Archaeological Research Framework. There will be talks by the PKARF champions as well as ‘think tank’ workshops to review what we know, where there are gaps and where future research should be directed. This event is free to attend, but booking is essential.
More information about the PKARF project can be found on their website!
Scotland’s Islands Research Framework for Archaeology
We are excited to announce dates for the next event as part of the development of Scotland’s Islands Archaeology Research Framework Project. As we move towards year two work will start to focus on Shetland and to launch the project the SIRFA team are holding a symposium in Lerwick from the 20th – 23rd September.
Find out more on the SIRFA website.
New Project: Scotland’s aDNA Database
A project led by Dr’s Alison Sheridan and Lisa Brown has been ongoing to pull together a list of Scottish archaeological human remains that have been sampled/analysed for DNA analysis. An article about the project and full list has been published in the latest edition of Archaeology Scotland’s DES Volume 19, 2018.
ScARF e-newsletter
Our June newsletter has just been sent out to all our subscribers. Take a look at it here for all the latest ScARF news.